Friendship happens at the grocery store–Baloney I say

1 in 5 relationship come from online.  This is taken from a commercial.  Their other line is that we expect relationships to happen from bumping into someone at the grocery story.  We have the same theory to establish friends.

The thinking is that Friendship some how happens as we spend enough time in proximity to another person.  If we have enough experiences together, than some how they become our friends.

My experience and most people I talk to, say this is Baloney.  We are lonely.  We know people, yet they aren’t deep friends that we trust.  Heck, they aren’t ever friends that we would call to hang out with on a moments notice!

My solution.  I ask people to be my friends.  I know it sounds strange.  Yet, it has worked 5 times.  Each time the person said, I am so glad you asked.

We are dying for more trusted friendship, yet the fear of embarrassment, made to look foolish , past hurts or other emotional issues keep us from filling a need that we and others have.

My hope.  Stop the lie and Start asking people for a true deep friendship.